
I have re launched My Career

Yes I have moved on from Arithon, that’s in case you didn’t pick up the news via twitter or Linkedin that I have joined Rocket Software.

I have to admit it was not an easy thing to do after 4 years of service and particularly as it was Arithon, that gave me the opportunity to move into a completely new industry.

The only frustrating thing is I would have loved to have been an active candidate and announced to the world that I was looking for a job, thereby giving me the opportunity to test out the many social networking systems for job hunting and report back which was the best. There in lies the problem, because if I had announced I was looking then everyone would have know, even the Boss!

I cannot say I didn’t find this role without the help of social networking, because just in case you didn’t know social networking can occur without the use of the web. I was in fact introduced to Rocket the old fashioned way, word of mouth!

No recruitment agency, no advert applied for, in fact no cv was sent either, mind you I am a bit of an open book on the internet 😉

I am looking forward to working with them and at a later stage I will go into more detail about their offering, but fortunately as Rocket Software is aimed specifically at the temp recruitment business I will not alienate Arithon, which is something I would not want to do of course.

So pardon the pun, onwards and upwards or should it be, to boldly go where no man has gone before!!


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