Technology & Recruitment

Arithon Recruitment Software Demo

It’s been a few days since my last post, which was mainly due to having my right hand in plaster, fortunately that will be removed on Monday and I will be able to get back into the swing of it again. My other excuse is I have been working hard on the production of my first ever video demo for Arithon’s recruitment software, which you can watch below via youtube or follow this link to see a larger and clearer version.

I have to admit it hasn’t been easy to put together, and it is still far from perfect, but I have been promising to do this for sometime. With the hand in plaster, it was a good excuse to take some time out to finally put the task to bed. So I am happy for any criticisms to help improve the presentation.

What I did find funny was yesterday a competitor tried to attach a link to their recruitment software video from within the comments on my blog, what depths some people will go to!


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